Sunday, December 16, 2012


Weight loss occurs when the body is using more energy than it is consuming, it will use stored reserves from fat or muscle, gradually leading to weight loss.
In addition to resorting to an ideal diet that has less calories, action needs to be taken to increase the metabolic rate of the body. Regardless of one's age this can be achieved.
If one is consuming 2000 calories daily but burning only 1500 calories surely this will result in weight gain. This unfortunately is a daily occurrence. There are many people who have gained a considerable amount of weight and keep wondering "how did that happen?" in the first place.
When the amount of muscles in your body is increased especially after weight training exercises, the muscles are metabolically active even after exercises and continue to burn calories even when resting. This type of exercise is highly recommended if convenient.
Not everyone is able to go to the gym and carry out weight training. However if more people were aware that simply moving practically any part of the body will result in calories been burnt they would do so. One should pace up and down, open and close the fists, tap the feet, move the head around use the stairs more often. Just imagine moving almost any part of the body instead of remaining motionless.
How about going to the park for a brisk walk for at least half an hour three times per week? That would certainly be great for weight loss. Think of the overall advantage to the body to do these exercises for at least ten minutes at a time each day, not only would weight loss be achieved, but the entire body would gain maximum benefit.
After one sticks to an exercise and calorie routine, then it is very important to carefully monitor one's calorie intake. In order for one not to gain weight easily, the scales should be used at least once per week to monitor your weight stability.
Of course sometimes when one is losing weight, one can easily exceed the amount of weight one intended to lose. Here the calorie intake need to be increased until the intended weight is achieved.
Eating healthily is so important. To maintain good health, means to have a balance diet daily. Fruit and vegetables are so important in our daily food intake, cereals and potatoes, milk and other dairy foods, meat and fish. These all form a part of a balance diet. Foods that are high in fats and sugar should be consumed in small portions. These include biscuits, cakes, soft drinks, pastries. These foods are among the best tasting foods, but could prove detrimental.
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